Most diets are difficult to follow, and their results disappear for a few months and the pounds again returning to our body. To avoid that, I'll present you 10 rules that are included in all healthy and effective diets.
Slimming slowly
All nutritionists agree that good quality and diet is the one that does not lose weight more than a kilogram per week. If you happen to lose weight more, it means that in addition to water and fat, and you've lost muscle tissue, which certainly is not in your interest.
Cut the sugar, but not fat
Modern nutritionists advise reduced intake of sugar, but it does not necessarily mean and fat. Namely, excess sugars which we get from the food includes dough and bread, is deposited in the form of fat. But balanced fat intake will help you feel full and healthy fats are essential to caring for your health. If your diet lacks fat, you will feel fatigue, hunger and bad mood, and you will not be our great success in reducing weight.
Always consume breakfast
A quality breakfast is the best way to start the day. Every good diet includes breakfast containing high-quality protein, good fats and healthy carbohydrates. The best solutions are hard-boiled eggs with wholemeal bread or oatmeal with berries and nuts if desired.
Eat regularly
All successful diets promote regular and scheduled meals throughout the day. You may have five or six meals a day, but it is important they be healthy, light and balanced.
Change the way of life
Effective weight loss solutions include changing living habits.
Do not forget protein
The key to weight loss lies in the lower level of blood sugar. This will be achieved with regular intake of protein, since they hold the sugar in the body under control.
Nutritional balance
There are many diets based on eating only one kind of food, which inevitably leads to an disbalance in the body. Quality diets contain the necessary all forms of food and not preach that we should eat an exceptional one "magic" foods.
Do not count calories
Science and practice confirmed that counting calories just is not conducive to quality control weight. No fat cookies with coffee will do more damage in the process of weight loss than to eat an omelet with bacon and a cup of tea. So do not waste your power to counting the calorific value of what you are eating, because it can lead you on the wrong track.
Physical activity - Of course
Without a healthy physical activity will not achieve healthy weight loss, no matter how you feed.