Thursday, July 30, 2015

48 hours Diet

When you are in a phase of detoxification and purification, each entry in the body should help to eliminate toxins and to supply fluid. This diet is made during the weekend. Recommended consumption of tomatoes because of the presence of the antioxidant lycopene, grains and vegetables, which will increase the indoor temperature and activate the process of purification.

                                  Syrup weight loss:

(Drink at night before bedtime)

300 ml water

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1 tablespoon maple syrup

1 teaspoon pepper angry

1 teaspoon ginger

All components are ground in a blender and the beverage is ready for use.

                                       Juice, to activate the metabolism

(Every day before breakfast)

6 tablespoons lemon juice

2 tomatoes

4 cloves garlic

500 ml water

6 ice cubes

The ingredients are added to the blender and mix for 1 minute at maximum speed.

 During these two days as you drink more green tea without sugar instead of water. Eat only vegetables and grains in smaller amounts.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

10 rules for any diet that always bring success

Most diets are difficult to follow, and their results disappear for a few months and the pounds again returning to our body. To avoid that, I'll present you 10 rules that are included in all healthy and effective diets.

Slimming slowly

All nutritionists agree that good quality and diet is the one that does not lose weight more than a kilogram per week. If you happen to lose weight more, it means that in addition to water and fat, and you've lost muscle tissue, which certainly is not in your interest.

Cut the sugar, but not fat

Modern nutritionists advise reduced intake of sugar, but it does not necessarily mean and fat. Namely, excess sugars which we get from the food includes dough and bread, is deposited in the form of fat. But balanced fat intake will help you feel full and healthy fats are essential to caring for your health. If your diet lacks fat, you will feel fatigue, hunger and bad mood, and you will not be our great success in reducing weight.

Always consume breakfast

A quality breakfast is the best way to start the day. Every good diet includes breakfast containing high-quality protein, good fats and healthy carbohydrates. The best solutions are hard-boiled eggs with wholemeal bread or oatmeal with berries and nuts if desired.

Eat regularly

All successful diets promote regular and scheduled meals throughout the day. You may have five or six meals a day, but it is important they be healthy, light and balanced.

Change the way of life

Effective weight loss solutions include changing living habits.

Do not forget protein

The key to weight loss lies in the lower level of blood sugar. This will be achieved with regular intake of protein, since they hold the sugar in the body under control.

Nutritional balance

There are many diets based on eating only one kind of food, which inevitably leads to an disbalance in the body. Quality diets contain the necessary all forms of food and not preach that we should eat an exceptional one "magic" foods.

Do not count calories

Science and practice confirmed that counting calories just is not conducive to quality control weight. No fat cookies with coffee will do more damage in the process of weight loss than to eat an omelet with bacon and a cup of tea. So do not waste your power to counting the calorific value of what you are eating, because it can lead you on the wrong track.

Physical activity - Of course

Without a healthy physical activity will not achieve healthy weight loss, no matter how you feed.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

15 minutes of effective exercise for a beautiful shaped body

The best way for fast weight loss and body shaping (along with proper diet and reduced food) is a combination of cardio exercises with explosive exercises to increase strength.

Do the following 4 exercises in 1 minute with 20-30 seconds break between each. Repeat the cycle three times for completion of the workout.

Be careful! This advanced and strenuous exercise, so do not push at the beginning if you can not do.


Try it but be careful :)
The results are coming :)

Monday, July 27, 2015

4 things for faster metabolism

          It is well known that rapid metabolism, digest food faster, faster fat burning, and the truth is that there are some activities that can help you speed up, such as:


Short, intensive training. Sprint sessions on grass or trail. Heat yourself and than run 5 times in 15 meters sprint relying on 75% of the power. After each sprint, walk back to the start and immediately start a new one. Rest for 3 minutes, and repeat giving 100%.

Cold shower

Use warm weather to bathe with lukewarm water at times and let cooler. It improves circulation, through which accelerates metabolism.

Lean protein

One Hollands study showed that people whose meal is composed of 30% lean protein (cereals), manage to activate the metabolism during sleep.

Exercise with weight

Studies show that exercise with weight can speed up the basic metabolism by 15% over the 12 weeks.

Friday, July 24, 2015

How to Use Cinnamon for Weight Loss

Cinnamon is a healthy spice that can be added to your diet on many ways. It can be used in savory stews, casseroles, sweet desserts, hot drinks. Some of the ways in which we can add cinnamon to our diet are:

1. For Breakfast:

If you are trying to lose weight, then cinnamon tea may be a positive addition to your breakfast. Regular intake can help to manage weight by enhancing digestion and stabilizing the blood sugar levels. Add cinnamon to your herbal tea to initiate the weight loss process. As little as 3 grams per day is enough to lose weight. You can reheat cinnamon tea as long as you have not added honey to it.
You can also add a teaspoon of cinnamon to your breakfast cereal and oatmeal. Alternatively, you can just sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon on your toast, pie or sandwich.

2. Snacking with Cinnamon:

Cinnamon combined with ginger can also help you with weight loss. Both ginger and honey are well-known fat burning foods. Both the ingredients destroy the toxins and adipose fat tissue, giving you a leaner body. You do not have to eat ginger and cinnamon in the raw form alone to obtain their benefits. You can incorporate them into any of your dishes to obtain the benefits associated with weight loss.

3. Serving and Usage:

Cinnamon is best ingested in the water-soluble form. A little bit of cinnamon, like 1 gram per day or 1/4th teaspoon of powder can go a long way. Taking high amounts of cinnamon does not add any benefit.

4. Supplements:

Cinnamon supplements in the form of pills and powders can also help you reach your weight loss goal. The supplement is reasonable in price and is made from good quality and freshly ground cinnamon. You can buy either 100% ground cinnamon powder or a mixture of cinnamon and ginger powder. Cinnamon pills are available in different flavors, the most common being cinnamon and honey. These are all organic products and are easily available in the nearest grocery stores.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

5 Smart snacks who will burn your metabolism

                All of us want some snacks during the day, night whole day. We all know that snacks are not so popular for our weight, but I can suggest you 5 smart snacks (for now) who will burn your metabolism all day.

  1. Apples
         Eating 2 apples a day is enough to fill your fruit dose, and also after eating apples your stomach is felling more full and you are not adding calories. Also apples are rich with vitamin C and fibers and you don't need to worry about calories.
     2. Almonds

        Almonds are high with fat, but the fats in almonds are monounsaturated, the same as the olive oil and they help to reduce the heart diseases. Lot of studies shown that eating almonds in normal doses can help you to lose some weight , and better results you can get if you exercise.
    3. Broccoli

       Not my favorite but very helpful snack - Broccoli. You can eat on so many ways, I prefer like salad, but you can eat raw or cooked it's up to you. It lower cholesterol, flush toxins, and contains Vitamin D, A and K.

    4. Low Fat Yogurt 

      As you know so many benefits from low fat yogurt. It's probiotic  - that means have all "good" bacteria which helping to regenerate stomach flora. It's also high-protein, low-fat, low in calories and it's perfect for maintaining a hearty diet.

    5. Tuna

    Tuna contains vitamin B3, vitamin B12 and protein. It's very delicious food and also low in fat. Tuna have omega-3 fatty acids - huge antioxidant benefits. You can eat on so many different ways and depends totally from you and your time. My best way is salad - green salad and over that tuna, some mixed vegetables (corn, carrot, peas, tomato....etc.).  
This is my way of eating salad :)

      Try to stick with these smart snacks you'll see difference , plus add a lot of water - it's summer that should not be a problem and you'll see the results (it takes time - but they are the healthy way of slimming). 

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

5 Simple Ways to Get Slim

           You want to get slim on easy way? No problem I'm going to tell you 5 Simple ways on natural way to get wanted results.

  • Start with breakfast and eat 5 times a day (small meals)
Many people think that should skip breakfast but they are wrong because after couple of hours after sleep your body needs food - energy to get started. Starting with breakfast and eating 5 small meals, you'll stroke the fires of your metabolism with result easier to loose weight.

  •   Drink more water
You need to drink at least 8 bottles of water per day , and you can drink more of course but not less. Water help your body to flush toxins and helping you to get slim.

  • Fruit - take a piece of fruit before going out
Take banana or apple with you every time you left your house. Be sure that you have a piece of fruit with you, because these are the healthiest snacks before getting your meal.

  • My favorite -  Eat slowly and stop before be full 

    When our stomach is full it needs 20 minutes to be transmitted to our brain that the stomach is full. So, if you don't want to happens this after every meal you should stop eating before your stomach is full and wait to be transmitted to your brain that you are not hungry anymore - and you can get this only with slower eating instead eating in 5 minutes.

  • You can eat cake, or chocolate or potato chips 
We all know that this are bad snacks, but you can afford them BUT sometimes and in normal portions.

Try using this ways - you are going to see results - not immediately of course. This is  the healthiest way and takes time and of course strength until achieving your weight goal.

Good Luck :)