Do you happen to nibble just because you're bored, you're anxious or angry? Are you a person who sees holidays and special occasions as a green light to overeat?
Physical hunger should not be ignored and the urge for feeding should be satisfied. But food satisfaction which is motivated from emotional hunger or our environment, is a bad habit that does not fit into the concept of healthy eating.
Here are the most common reasons why you are eating when you do not feel hunger:
- Holiday or special occasion. When you know a lot of people, every day can be a special occasion. Birthdays, baptisms, weddings ... just as you thought that came to an end, starts the festive period - Easter, New Year. Can it look like every day is filled with calorie celebrations drenched with alcohol.
- You are thirsty. Many people confuse hunger with thirst, so they tend to eat when in fact all they need is a glass of water.
- We use food to cope with stress, anxiety, anger, loneliness ... After a quarrel with the loved one you look for solace in chocolate? Headache from stressful day you try to decrease with uncontrolled nibbling front of the TV? We all have ever been victims of emotional eating, but the food does not eliminate problems.
- You are hungry for sleep. The fact is that the appetite is stronger and more difficult to control when we have not enough sleep. The blame for it are leptin and ghrelin, hormones responsible for controlling appetite and satiety. Insufficient sleep lowers the level of leptin, a hormone that tells the brain that you have received enough food and increases levels of ghrelin which awakens hunger.
- Food is diet. You must admit that reading the word "diet" or "light" of package can calms your conscience and invites you to bite few more morsels despite internal satiety. But you should know that these products are not without calories just because they carry the inscription "diet."
- You are bored. Surely often happened happened to you to open the fridge during a dull rainy weekend or nibble because there is nothing else to hire hands. Boredom is a recipe for entering additional calories.
- Eat in great company. More people on the table where you eat, number of calories is bigger because is harder to reject ideas for snacks or ordering a delicious dessert, and frequent toast with a glass of alcohol.
- You are used to empty container regardless of the size of the portion. Emptying the container by habit is another reason why you eat when you are not hungry. Habits are permanently etched in our behavior, so it is difficult to release it.
- Giving up your vices. Finally gathered courage and told you specified decisive blow to the nicotine demon? Quitting smoking is good news, but not when you are choosing food whenever the desire for nicotine attack. For many people the food is attractive and seemingly safe alternative to keep their hands busy without having to reach for a cigarette, but the truth is that it can easily lead to overeating and obesity.
- The food is just before your eyes. You can not stay away from snacks to the visitors' table? You don't mean to eat cake after lunch, but your hand just find it? It is not easy to resist to food when she pricks you eyes.
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