Wednesday, July 22, 2015

5 Simple Ways to Get Slim

           You want to get slim on easy way? No problem I'm going to tell you 5 Simple ways on natural way to get wanted results.

  • Start with breakfast and eat 5 times a day (small meals)
Many people think that should skip breakfast but they are wrong because after couple of hours after sleep your body needs food - energy to get started. Starting with breakfast and eating 5 small meals, you'll stroke the fires of your metabolism with result easier to loose weight.

  •   Drink more water
You need to drink at least 8 bottles of water per day , and you can drink more of course but not less. Water help your body to flush toxins and helping you to get slim.

  • Fruit - take a piece of fruit before going out
Take banana or apple with you every time you left your house. Be sure that you have a piece of fruit with you, because these are the healthiest snacks before getting your meal.

  • My favorite -  Eat slowly and stop before be full 

    When our stomach is full it needs 20 minutes to be transmitted to our brain that the stomach is full. So, if you don't want to happens this after every meal you should stop eating before your stomach is full and wait to be transmitted to your brain that you are not hungry anymore - and you can get this only with slower eating instead eating in 5 minutes.

  • You can eat cake, or chocolate or potato chips 
We all know that this are bad snacks, but you can afford them BUT sometimes and in normal portions.

Try using this ways - you are going to see results - not immediately of course. This is  the healthiest way and takes time and of course strength until achieving your weight goal.

Good Luck :)

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