Monday, August 3, 2015

Diet for lazy ones :)

This juice burns calories all while sitting and reading a book. Is there anything better?

You'll already familiar with healing properties of cinnamon and honey, especially in combination . But what you may not know is that these two magical ingredients can help you lose weight. Try this drink that is delicious, easy to preparing, and certainly prompted the metabolism and helps get rid of excess while you sit comfortably in your chair. I'm not telling you that you should stop exercising, but if today you are too lazy to make a move, there are other solutions! This is one of these solutions:


2 tablespoons honey

1 tablespoons cinnamon

250 ml water

Instructions for preparation:

1) These recommended amounts can be changed, but it is important to you use two measures of honey and one for cinnamon. Prepare as much as you need.
2) Warm water.
3) Put the boiling water over cinnamon. Cover the bowl and let stand until cooled to a temperature of approximately that can be consumed drink.
4) Add honey when the drink is cool. Never putting honey in hot water, because warm destroys enzymes and other nutrients of honey.
5) Drink it before bedtime. The other half leave it in the fridge and drink it in morning - but without warming.

That's all! 
And remember - this recipe works only when consumed on an empty stomach.

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